
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Snowboarding and Urban Geocaches

We are so close to catching up to current-day here! A quick little catch-up post and I think we have covered the last month's major adventures.

So.. Brad and I outfitted ourselves back in the fall with new snowboards, bindings, boots, goggles.. the works! Not "new"... but new to us. We practiced snowboarding in Sugarhouse Park during Salt Lake's first snow, and headed up the mountain to Park City Mountain Resort later in the season!

Basic recap: I am terrible. Brad is awesome. Well, I wouldn't call myself "terrible" anymore. I started out falling every 25 feet or so and I can get all the way down the baby hill now! Brad also taught me how to stop and every so often I can do some turns on the board without eating snow. So I guess I'm getting there. Brad's dad is coming to visit in March and will leave me in the dust if I don't learn quickly.

Most of the times I yell when I fall. Sometimes I cry. Occasionally I can laugh it off. I'm working on doing that more often. Brad is great at handling my ups and downs haha but hopefully I will get better at controlling them myself so I don't drive him crazy.
For some reason, every time Brad held the camera up I did this with my arms.. I guess I thought it made me look like I was snowboarding or something, but upon review I look dumb as hell. After this day-- I stopped the arm thing. 
This is a stop. It was successful, but looks silly.
Another stop, getting better :)
Brad always looks like a natural. 

My first time on the lift was terrifying. We went on the lift many times in Wintergreen, in Virginia, but snowboarding here is a whole different world from VA snowboarding! The smallest lift here is so huge and so long it's beautiful but freezing. When we got to the top, there are like three runs to choose from. Of course, the only run that I agreed to go on was called "First Time" and it was the only one that was CLOSED. So I had to go on the next harder one! Still a very easy run, but I made it down a turn- stopped, got coaching from Brad, made it down the next turn, stopped, etc, etc.

Don't worry Mr. DeFrank. I'll get there before March.

On another note, we are figuring out our new GPS from the DeFrank fam for Christmas :) We are trying out our geocaching skills, starting easy with some Urban caches. "Easy." Supposedly. Sometimes we find them. Sometimes we don't. We decided it probably wasn't the best idea to BEGIN a searching-based hobby when most everything is buried in a few feet of snow. But we still make it work- sometimes.
 Cache Name: MeadlowLark Mound
Cache Clue: Rusty Barrell
 Excited about finding the first one! Signed the log and returned it. 

We completed the search for several more in the area. I believe we found two more and failed on two more haha. Finding them is really fun, but we haven't got the system down enough to find them all yet. We will get there one day!!
Through in a date night picture. Just for fun. 

PS- I will keep asking for comments. I have no shame.


  1. I have left 2 precious comments, but for some reason they don.t post. I really enjoy your blog.

  2. Awesome Blog, I love that you are taking the time to document and share your adventures. I have always wanted to do that, but I am old school "journal"

  3. Rachel...... I love the arm pose, it looks natural......haha! Also, it's called the Bunny Hill, not the "baby hill".......and snow bunnies are cute, so there is no shame in riding the bunny hill.

  4. So, what was in the rusty barrel?

    1. Dad- there was a hidden container with little trinkets in it and a logbook of everyone who had been there previously

  5. I must say the family that gifted the GPS just opened a whole new world of adventure for you two. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Your blog and it is such a neat story how we found each other! Thank you so much for the note on That was so nice of you to try and repair the cache you found. The cache you found was not ours but we were the First to Find on it and it was a cool cache. We will notify the owners so they can go check check on it. Thank you for taking time out of your awesome newleywed adventures to help a cache out! We will definatly follow you. We will add you to our blog roll and look forward to following your blog. I love what you are doing and I think when I finally get Ted to the alter I will do the same. This will be so great to read when your older and if you ever have kids, they will love seeing all of these adventures. Keep up the great work! Thanks again and if you ever want to hit the caching trails or need hints, contact us! Ted and I met geocaching over a year ago and now we are engaged and spend most of our time caching....we love the places it takes us and the memories we make doing it. Thanks again for being so kind!
